Content is always going to be king, but do you know how your content drives conversion?
At the latest HubSpot User Group NH (HUGNH) event, all attendees had the pleasure to learn about the new conversion assist tool. HubSpot’s very own Mark Kilens demoed the tool for the group and provided key advice to finding out which content is king on your website.
Where is it in the funnel? Which content has the lowest conversion rate? Each of these questions needs to be analyzed in order for you to clearly see what content is driving conversion on your website.
Fortunately the conversion assist tool analyzes those questions for you and this is what we can learn from it:
-What web pages are the most important?
-What landing pages are the most important?
-Which blogs are the most important?
As you can see above listed to the left are the pages on our website and the percentage of leads who viewed the pages prior to becoming a lead. What this means is the pages with the highest assist percentage either have awesome content, attracting more people to those pages, or have great calls to action. A great CTA will help take a visiting customer and convert them into a lead.
1. Write more blog posts like your top articles. Obviously people are interested in those popular blog topics, therefore you should give them what they are asking for.
2. Promote your top pages with CTAs on the lower converting pages. This will draw attention and traffic to your best performing pages.
3. Add your most important pages to your lead nurturing email campaigns. By focusing on the topics covered in your top pages, you'll address what your leads care about most.
4. Add most important pages to your website navigation in order for people to find them easier.